Brush set Sennelier for pastel

Brush set Sennelier for pastel


These high-quality Sennelier pastel brushes are designed specially for working with pastel or charcoal drawings. Perfect for blending and shading the soft pastel hues or making the transitions in charcoal drawings especially soft and smooth. Suitable both for large-scale or detailed work due to angular cut soft pony-hair.

02RA10559000 3046450030577 Brush set Sennelier for pastel pony angular 4+8+12 3pcs Brush set Sennelier for pastel pony angular 4+8+12 3pcs
Availability in stores
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze3
  • ARS Skizze1
  • Kalamaja Skizze2
  • Tartu Skizze2
  • Lithuania
  • Vilnius Skizze1
  • E-Shop / Wholesale
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