Silk roll Ponge 5

Pongé 05 is the most widely sold silk and perfect for beginners of silk painting. It is fine, very light and shows the beautiful gloss of silk. The dye flows fast and easily in every direction and spreads evenly on the fabric. Therefore Pongé 05 is considered the silk for painting. All silk painting techniques succeed equally well. This material is often used in schools, facilities where children spend their leisure time and for occupational therapies because of its favorable price. It is perfect for decorations of any kind and for delicate canopies. It is as well suited for for light curtains, but not for windows facing south as silk is susceptible to UV light. The fabric can also be used for nuno felting, but you should have some experience with felting because the process itself will take a little longer then when using Chiffon (for beginners Chiffon is best suited).
02ARSPG3S000 4742547009417 |
Silk Ponge 18g 90cm
Availability in stores
9.50€ | Add to Cart |