Studio easel Mabef M/07 - 1/4
Studio easel Mabef M/07 - 2/4 Studio easel Mabef M/07 - 3/4 Studio easel Mabef M/07 - 4/4

Studio easel Mabef M/07


The Mabef M07 is a finely crafted, oiled beech wood, studio easel featuring a variable height adjustment with ratchet action. This versatile easel features adjustable canvas inclination which is perfect for a variety of media. A useful brush/equipment tray below the canvas ledge stores supplies neatly. Accommodates a maximum canvas height of 215cm. Weighs 13kg.

02MF53528600 8017924000063 Studio easel Mabef M07 max canvas h=215cm Studio easel Mabef M07 max canvas h=215cm
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